Alcohol consumption causes a series of changes in the body, including a hangover, but simple measures help to deal with the situation
Roberta Pinheiro – Metrópoles (Life & Style)
Finally, the famous “it is Friday” knocked on the door! After a whole week of work and study, the much-desired Friday arrived. The date is synonymous with well-deserved rest — and why not a happy hour or um drink to relax?
According to World Health Organization (WHO), there is no safe dose of alcohol, so, in everyday life, the recommendation is no dose. But, in social gatherings with friends and family, there are those who can't resist and end up going overboard.
The consumption of alcoholic beverages, however, causes changes in the functioning of our body. Of course, all of this will depend on some factors, such as quantity ingested; whether it is a habitual or sporadic intake; age; sex; among others.
Clinical Nutrition Support Physician and co-founder of the NGO Obesidade Brasil, Andrea Pereira points out the main effects and consequences of alcohol on the individual:
Cardiovascular: it increases blood pressure and can cause heart damage and heart attacks;
Cerebral: it reduces concentration, judgment, memory; alters mood; increases the risk of stroke and developing dementia;
Liver: increases the risk of developing liver cancer and cirrhosis;
Stomach: increases the risk of ulcers, stomach and intestinal cancer;
Hormonal: reduced testosterone levels in men, sperm count and fertility. In women, it alters the menstrual cycle.
In the case of people who practice physical activity and are looking to gain lean mass , Andrea Pereira warns: “Frequent and abusive consumption of alcohol can lead to reduced performance, harming muscle mass gain. Its effects on the central nervous system can discourage training as well.”
Undesirable experience
Another very famous and common effect after a night of partying is a hangover. “That is, the experience of unpleasant symptoms after drinking alcohol. Typically, the more you drink, the worse your hangover will be. Some people get a hangover after just one drink. Others may drink a lot and not even feel hungover. It depends on your body and how it processes alcohol”, explains Andrea Pereira.
As alcohol consumption affects the functioning of the body, some symptoms are characteristic of a hangover: headache; dehydration, followed by thirst, dizziness and dizziness; malaise, such as loss of appetite and problems with concentration and memory; nausea, vomiting and stomach pain; tremors; and tiredness.
Unfortunately, as you point out Andrea Pereira , there is no cure for a hangover. “All you can do is take steps to alleviate the symptoms and wait until they go away,” he says.
Calm down, all is not lost
However, you don't need to stop socializing and enjoying the night with friends and family. Some simple measures can be taken to avoid the unwanted experience and minimize the effects of alcohol on the body.
“Avoid drinking more than one drink, in the case of women, and two drinks for men, do not drink more than you You know your body can take it. Do not drink on an empty stomach, eat before and during the period of drinking alcohol. Drink water while consuming alcohol and before bed”, explains the professional. And despite what popular culture suggests, “don't drink more alcohol, it will make you feel worse.”
Physical and personal trainer Vitor Vicente also highlights another common mistake made by people with a hangover: eating sweet or fatty foods. “Your body is already overloaded synthesizing all that alcohol you drank the day before. If you eat another food that is difficult to absorb, your body will feel it. The right thing to do is to eat lighter foods and drink plenty of water, saline or sports drinks”, he details.
Experienced in weight loss and healthy longevity, doctor Mariana Arraes recommends consuming foods rich in B vitamins and omega 3 , such as oilseeds, fish, dark green leaves and legumes, as well as teas such as boldo, hibiscus and ginger and the classic coconut water.
“Another suggestion to help the liver better process the effect of alcohol is intermittent fasting, which can be complemented with exercise aerobics”, says Arraes. There are those who believe that, the next day, doing intense exercise will allow a better recovery, eliminating alcohol from the body, however, this is not proven.
“If you can, you can do low-intensity exercise. But it all depends on how much alcohol you drank and how you are feeling. A walk, a slow run, a bike ride, a Sunday at Eixão are good options”, comments Vicente.
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