Graduated in Medicine from UNIFESP, Federal University of São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Medicina (1995)
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In 1996, she participated in the first group of doctors from the Brazilian Air Force , where she did military training and worked in the area of dermatology and accompanied the ultrasound service.
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From 1997 to 2000, he studied Medical Residency in Radiology at UNIFESP.
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Specialization in Exercise Physiology by UNIFESP , where he participated in the Center for the Study of Exercise Physiology, teaching classes at the graduate meeting
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He specialized in Clinical and Hospital Nutrition by GANEP and ABRAN . Having the title of specialist in Nutrology approved by the Brazilian Medical Association and CREMESP . He also did 2 internships in the United States, at Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, LSU under the supervision of Dr. Steven Heymsfield and at Fred Hutch Cancer Center, Seattle supervised by Dr. Mary Flowers.
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PhD from UNIFESP on 07/14/11, whose theme was “Impact of Bariatric Surgery on serum micronutrient levels and body composition evaluated by ultrasound”, which was published in the same year in the journal Obesity Surgery . Part of his research was also done with professional dancers, focusing on nutritional deficiencies in this group.
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Post-doctorate at the Israelite Institute of Education and Research , concluded in July 2020, whose theme was the Impact of obesity and visceral fat in patients undergoing Bone Marrow Transplantation, which was published in November 2020 in the JPEN Magazine.
He speaks English and French fluently , having certificates of proficiency and foreign universities in these 2 languages.
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For 12 years she was a nutritionist at UNIFESP , in the Obesity and Endocrinology sector , at the Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Bariatric Surgery Outpatient Clinics , discussing the cases with residents and co-supervising master's and doctoral theses. (2011-2018)
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She is a nutritionist at Oncology and Hematology at Hospital Albert Einstein since 2012 , where she works in the hospital, outpatient and teaching and research areas. In addition to being a member of the Bioethics Committee of the same institution since 2012.
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Member of the Therapeutic Nutrition Community since November 2019.
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In the office, he takes care of Sports, Geriatric, Oncological, Hospital, Obesity, Pregnant and Preventive cases.
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Academic Activities in Chronological Order:
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Coordination of the Nutrition and Scientific module at the Brazilian Congress of Bone Marrow Transplantation
Poster Presentation on Obesity and Breast Cancer: a 24-year-old Brazilian follow-up at the American Congress of Oncology (ASCO 2020) and the European Clinical Nutrition (ESPEN 2020)
Professor of Scientific Initiation of medical students at the Faculty of Medicine of Einstein
Professor of the Graduate Program in Nutrition at the Teaching and Research Center of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
Nutrology Preceptor of the multidisciplinary internship of Oncology residents at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
Coordinator of the Multicentric Sarcopenia Project in patients with chronic GVHD
Coordinator of the Course on Updating Psychological Aspects of Nutritional Pathologies at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
President and co-founder of the NGO Obesidade Brasil
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Coordination of the II Symposium on Nutrition and Oncology at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein and the Pre-Congress on Nutrition and Oncology: controversial topics
Professor of Scientific Initiation of medical students at the Faculty of Medicine of Einstein
Professor of the Graduate Program in Nutrition at the Teaching and Research Center of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
Nutrology Preceptor of the multidisciplinary internship of Oncology residents at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
Coordinator of the Multicentric Sarcopenia Project in patients with chronic GVHD
Coordinator of the Course on Updating Psychological Aspects of Nutritional Pathologies at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
Member of the Therapeutic Nutrition Community
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XX Meeting of Nursing and Multidisciplinary Team in BMT
Coordination of the Multidisciplinary Book on Bariatric Surgery at UNIFESP / SBCBM
Post-doctorate at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein in progress
Activities as co-supervisor of Master and Doctorate at UNIFESP and Hosp.Israelita Albert Einstein
Adjunct Instructor of Pennington Biomedical Research Center, LSU (USA)
Intern at Fred Hutch Cancer Center, Seattle (USA)
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Scientific Organization of SBTMO 2017 and the XIX Meeting of Nursing and Multidisciplinary Team in BMT
General coordination of the Brazilian Consensus on Nutrition in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Post-doctorate at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein in progress
Coordinator of the book Nutritional Guide in Oncology released at SBTMO 2017
Activities as co-supervisor of Master and Doctorate at UNIFESP and Hosp.Israelita Albert Einstein
Adjunct Instructor of Pennington Biomedical Research Center, LSU (USA)
We are a family owned and operated business.
Activities as co-supervisor of Master and Doctorate at UNIFESP and Hosp.Israelita Albert Einstein
Coordination of Courses and Symposia at Israleita Albert Einstein Hospital
Post-doctorate at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
We are a family owned and operated business.
Beginning of the Post-Doctorate at the Israeli Hospital Albert Einstein
Activities as co-supervisor of Master and Doctorate at UNIFESP and Hosp.Israelita Albert Einstein
We are a family owned and operated business.
Adjunct Instructor. Pennington Biomedical Research Center (USA).
Intern at Pennington Biomedical Research Center, LSU (USA)
We are a family owned and operated business.
2007 - 2011
PhD in Medicine (Clinical Endocrinology) (CAPES Concept 6).
Federal University of São Paulo, UNIFESP, Brazil.
Title: Impact of Cirugia Bariatrica on serum micronutrient levels and body composition assessed by ultrasonography, Year obtained: 2011.
Advisor: Profa. Dr. Maria Teresa Zanella.
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Júlio Sérgio Marchini
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1995 - 2011
Specialization in updating and training in Nutrology. Brazilian Association of Nutrology (ABRAN).
Specialization in EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY. Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP).
Medical residency in: RADIOLOGY. Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP).
Medical Lieutenant of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). Aeronautical Hospital of São Paulo (HASP).
Medical residency in: RADIOLOGY. Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP).