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Nutrology and Treatments

Fita de ouro

We are a family owned and operated business.

Nutrology, according to the Brazilian Association of Nutrology-ABRAN, is the medical specialty that studies, researches and evaluates nutrients in food, food and our body, both in health and disease conditions. It involves the pathophysiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases related to food, or the lack of it.

It is closely related to the adequate supply of nutrients and phytochemicals to the body, assuming an important role in reducing the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases that are among the main causes of death today, such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and cancer. Nutrology is a medical specialty recognized since 1978.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

What is the difference between a Nutrologist and a Nutritionist?

Although these two areas work with Nutrition, the Nutrologist is a doctor, so he has been in medical school for 6 years and then specializes in Nutrology or Clinical Nutrition. Therefore, the Nutrologist's approach focuses on a medical view, different from the Nutritionist who is not a doctor.

We are a family owned and operated business.


Todos os pacientes serão atendidos pelos 4 médicos que enfocarão nos aspectos de prevenção ao câncer. Cada um deles pedirá exames específicos e fará as orientações dentro da sua área. No dia anterior ao atendimento, será enviado um link para que algumas perguntas sejam respondidas, auxiliando na consulta do dia seguinte.  

Entre em contato:

AKRO Clínica 

Endereço: Rua Tabapuã, 100 - conj. 131 - Itaim Bibi, São Paulo - SP, 04533-000 

Telefone: (11) 99926-2989 

Médico usa a tabuleta digital

What is the difference between a Nutrologist and a Nutritionist?

We are a family owned and operated business.

Nutrology, according to the Brazilian Association of Nutrology-ABRAN, is the medical specialty that studies, researches and evaluates nutrients in food, food and our body, both in health and disease conditions. It involves the pathophysiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases related to food, or the lack of it.

It is closely related to the adequate supply of nutrients and phytochemicals to the body, assuming an important role in reducing the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases that are among the main causes of death today, such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and cancer. Nutrology is a medical specialty recognized since 1978.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

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Andrea Pereira - Médica Nutróloga

  • Doutorado pela Endocrinologia da UNIFESP em Obesidade e Cirurgia Bariátrica 

  • Pós-doutorado pelo Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa 

  • Pós-doutorado em andamento pela Faculdade de Medicina da USP 

  • Médica Nutróloga do Departamento de Oncologia e Hematologia do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein 

  • Membro do Comitê de Bioética do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein 

  • Coordenadora e cofundadora da ONG Obesidade Brasil 

  • Autora do Livro Dieta do Equilibro-a melhor dieta anticâncer 

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Dra. Carolina Ferrer – Médica do Esporte 

  • Médica do Esporte no alto rendimento e população geral. 

  • Docente e preceptora em Medicina Esportiva. 

  • Especialização em Medicina Esportiva, UNIFESP/EPM, 2020. 

  • Graduação em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina de Itajubá, 2016. 

  • Publicações em saúde esportiva e participação em congressos nacionais. 

  • Engajamento na educação médica e promoção da saúde física e mental. 

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Dra. Janaina Pontes – Médica Geneticista 

  • Médica oncologista clínica no Hospital Israelita sabert Einstein 

  • Trabalha com câncer da mulher : câncer de mama e tumores ginecológicos . 

  • Especialista em Oncogenetica pelo City Of Hope Los Angeles CA 

  • Trabalha com medicina de precisao : prevenção e tratamento personalizado 

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Dr. Pedro Uson – Médico Oncologista 

  • Médico Oncologista do Centro de Medicina de Precisão do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein 

  • Fellow Mayo Clinic 

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